Sunday, April 4, 2010


Texting is something that is becoming controversial today. Almost everybody does it, including my own mother, but now it has issues that are concerning many different groups. Texting is the new way to communicate that has rapidly grown over the last few years. People simply use their phones to type a message and can communicate back and forth. There is rarely any conversation that happens on a phone anymore, which raises concerns for some.
Before texting, people used phones to have a conversation and to communicate information verbally, and before that writing a letter to someone was popular to get you message or feelings across. But now, with the wonderful world of cell phones, texting has become the leading way to communicate. The biggest issue with texting in the news today is that it is not safe to do while operating a vehicle and in some cases people are saying you shouldn’t text while walking. There are commercials that show people walking into things or even in front of vehicles while texting. People are obsessed with texting and like how it is available to them at all times. But some states are creating laws about texting while driving, because this is becoming more dangerous than driving while under the influence.
While driving while texting is being reported a huge problem today, the trend of texting also has some, mostly educators, that grammar and spelling is going to be a challenge. With texting comes the trend of creating a new form of communication and abbreviations that only people, mostly teens, know how to read like LOL. Many argue that children today are not going to know how to write a letter to a friend or family member because that is not what type of communication they understand or do.
Texting is apart of how we communicate today and creating laws against it while driving will not change the amount people text. Picking up the phone can cause a long drawn out conversation, while texting a message can get the information you are wanting faster and with out actually have to speak to anyone. Socially, I am not sure that texting is going to help children develop their skills they need to have in the work place, but who knows by then texting will be taking over that too.

1 comment:

  1. I really agree with the texting problems that have arisen. I am concerned about this issue every time I get into my car! I see people swerving all over the road and when you pass them, they are texting. Not only do you have to worry about drunk drivers, now you have have to worry about text drivers. This is becoming a very scary problem. Young people today should be aware of what is in front and to the side of them while driving. It only takes a split second to kill.
