Saturday, May 1, 2010

week 5 analysis

One artifact that has changed dramatically over the years is the television. Many people use the television today, than they did back in the early 1900s. I guess it is safe to say that, as the years progressed after the invention of the television, it has become more popular. Watching television is what many people do by their self or with other people. You really have to think back to what the first television looked like and how it was used compared to what televisions look like today and how we use them.
When televisions first came out, they were large in size with a very small screen. There was no color on television, until the movie “The Wizard of Oz”. People did not use the television like we do today. They used it to view information pertaining to items such as the news. But over the years things have changed. Televisions come in several different sizes, with the screen being larger than the base of television. All shows, movies, and video games are shown in color. The features of televisions today are outstanding; you can choose what size, what shape, whether to mount it on the wall, the kind of picture you want. Today there is High definition televisions, which provide a better picture when watching a show that is broadcasted in high definition. I remember as a child, that televisions were square and big screen televisions were very bulky. Now you can get televisions in wide screen, and most are now flatter and are able to be mounted on the wall.
There are several different types of televisions to choose from, LCD or plasma televisions are the most popular. Televisions also have the function to hook up to cable, satellite, video games, DVD players, and much more. Before, people did not even know what recorded movies were. Just a few years ago, all movies were on a vhs, which is very rare to find now. The television has changed over the years, and will continue to change to as technology and needs change. There is talk about a television coming out soon that allows you to watch movies at home in 3D. I think that this is going too far, 3D is something that is cool in a movie theater or at a theme park show, but it is a little much to bring that into your own home.